Three Unpopular Opinionsfeatured

Here’s my three unpopular opinions- remember they’re just opinions, and you’re about to read why they’re probably really unpopular.

I’ll just shoot myself in the foot right out of the gate.

  1. I’m over vampire stuff. I’ve lived through The Lost Boys, Bram Stroker’s Dracula, Interview with the Vampire, Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, and while they all hold their respectful place in the fictional world of vampires- I’m over the vampire genre. I won’t write and I very hesitantly read vampire stories. The only recent vampire book I bought was to support an indie author because I think that’s important and I am slowly making my way through the book. I don’t think the vampire genre is dead (poor play on words, I know), in fact plenty of people still seem to seek it out- maybe it’s too saturated at the moment. Maybe someday a new type of story will come along and I’ll change my mind.
  2. I don’t like romance books with shirtless guys on the front. I will often avoid buying a book with a cover like that. There is one exception- and yes, I bought the book and loved it and ended up reading the whole series. Callie Hart’s Riot House – but if you look at the cover, it’s got a different vibe than most romance covers. I can’t explain it, but it does. Also, I don’t totally rule it out, but I tend to avoid buying books with people on the covers. I almost did not purchase Kerri Maniscalo’s Stalking Jack the Ripper because of the cover- but the blurb was intriguing enough to change my mind. I do like that series and I’m glad I read them, but I noticed that Kerri changed to not having people on the covers for Kingdom of the Wicked and I like the look of those better(I haven’t started those yet). I understand not wanting people or not wanting a shirtless guy on the front of my romance book might hurt my sales – if I find it’s truly hurting me then I’ll eat my words and maybe re-release with a different cover.
  3. Angry guys in romance books that can barely hold their temper in. I’ve read a few books, books that I have pretty much enjoyed, with very angry hot headed male main characters. I can’t put my finger on it, but I’m over this being angry at the world theme, where a guy is just ready to throttle anyone that looks at him the wrong way. I understand, there’s something about bad boys, there’s something about not putting up with shit, there’s something about being true to your feelings, but maybe I’m just too old and want something more realistic. And while I do like Alpha characters, this doesn’t necessarily mean they have to be rage filled short tempered a-holes. Give me some sort of chaotic good, strategic thinkers, that don’t think the only answer is throwing fists.


That’s it. That’s my three poorly formed unpopular opinions. Take it or leave it. And these are only my views- anyone who enjoys these genres and characters please continue to carry on like I didn’t say anything.

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